Thursday, March 5, 2009

Grip Work etc.

I got my Captains of Crush #1 in the mail last night. That thing is serious. I was super excited to work with it today. Before I did, I did a couple warm-up sets with a little crappy plastic gripper like the Ironmind people suggest. After that I did 2 sets of 4 with each hand (I could barely close it towards the end with my left hand) and then I did 2 sets of holding it closed for a count of 5.

It's a little strange that my left hand's grip is a little weaker than my right's when my left hand/arm is generally my strongest. I don't know why that should be the case.

I also have done a bunch of Face-the-Wall Squats, pry the pump streches, and arm-bars today and will continue to do so throughout the night. Hopefully these stretches and exercises will help me fine tune my KB technique.

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