Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snatches and such

It had been months since I did a snatch (because it is so damn cold outside) so I decided I would finally bite the bullet and bring a kettlebell to the gym. I dreaded doing this because I was afraid everyone would stare at me...and they did. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't hate it so much.

The snatches were a lot harder than they were a couple months ago.

24kg KB snatch: On the minute for 10 minutes, 5right/5left (100 total)
24kg KB press + pullup ladder: 5 of 3 (30 total pullups, 30 total presses per arm)
Pistols: 2 full reps out of 4 attempts on right, 4 attempts on left (so close!)
Abs: 40 crunches

1 comment:

  1. Who cares if they stare? Do not allow others to side track you, or you will never get anywhere. Recenter, refocus
